Sunday 22 April 2012

Albariño Valtea Rías Baixas 2010 (Spain)

Nose: Sweet; vanilla; pineapple? The nose isn't particularly strong.

Taste: The taste is a bit more tart. Reasonably dry. Flowers? Pear.

Finish: Dry apple in the finish. Pretty short lived. 

What we say: S - 'There's flowers in there because it almost tastes like perfume at points.' V - 'The taste really develops in your mouth. It started off being a bit tart, but then it really blossomed. There was a really blossoming of the taste a couple of seconds in and then it went to that dry apply finish.'

What they say: broad with a balanced acidity on the palate; aromas of good intensity with hints of fruit.

Rate: 8  (V=8; S=8)

Thursday 19 April 2012

Malbec Vino Tinto 2010 (Argentina)

Nose: There is very little that is immediately distinguishable about it. It isn't particularly strong. Maybe peppery? Mossy?

Taste: There's something initially berry-like to the taste, but then it goes to something less fruity. There's something earthy about it.

Finish: Well balanced, though not complex.

What we say: S - 'It smells red.'  'Weird....That was weird.' V - 'It's not the type of wine that you open, pour a glass and can smell from five feet away.' 'It's super drinkable, but I would have given it a higher rating if it had more complexity to it. It's on the level of the generic Châteauneuf-du-Pape one that we bought at the grocery store - a solid choice.'

What they say: Nuttin'

Rate: 7

Saturday 14 April 2012

Isla Negra Reserva Sauvignon Blanc 2011 (Chile)

Nose: Too weak to actually say.  A weak fruity smell - sweet.  Maybe a hint of vanilla?

Taste:  Sweet, grapefruit, tart.  Not nicely balanced - rather rough.

Finish:  Grapefruit acidity, even bitterness

What we say:  S - 'There's something to the nose, almost like Band-Aids or light plastic.'  J (guest) - 'Smells sort of like gummy bears?'

What they say:  Aromas and flavours of grapefruit, lime and gooseberry.

Rating: 3.7 (V = 4; S = 4; K = 3)

Vignato Gambellara Classico 2010 (Italy)

Nose:  Citrusy, maybe pineapple or grapefruit?  The nose is not that powerful.  Pretty fresh

Taste:  Slightly sweet, particularly at the beginning.  Pear.  Reasonably light.

Finish:  More tart in finish but nothing overpowering.  Reasonably well-balanced.

What we say:  V - 'I have a floaty...'  'It's like uncarbonated perry' 'A decent summer-weather drinking white.'  

What they say:  Nuttin'

Rate:  5.5 (V = 5; S = 6)

Comets Tail Sauvignon Blanc Semillon 2011 (Australia)

Nose:  Citrusy, a little sweet, maybe some pear.

Taste: Definitely citrusy, maybe some pear in the background.

Finish:  Rose?  Somewhat floral.

What we say: K (guest) - 'It smells like white grapes' 'Definitely strong at first, with a bit of oak barrel bitterness' 'The front is a nicer taste than the finish. The finish is too alcoholy' V - 'The finish creeps up on you.  You think it's done, but then it's not.'  S - 'The finish is like a refreshing fruit of some sort.' 'There is floral in the finish because it's soft, soft like petals.'

What they say: Bright and fragrant

Rate:  6.5 (S/V = 6; K = 7.5)

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Cepa Lebrel Rioja 2008 Crianza (Spain)

Nose: Sharp; fruity. A bit syrupy - it has some sweetness to it.

Taste: Quite tart. Monodimensional. 

Finish: A bit of a woody finish, but it's not persistent. It's pretty shallow. A little acidic.

What we say: SS (guest star) - 'It smells like summer fruit pudding. And it kind of looks like Ribena.' 
V - 'It's like, boom! Tart! Hey!....and then it's gone.' SS -'It's like Ribena but with lemon put into it, but it's not as nice as lemon or lime. It's a bit weird.'  'No, it's more like a bit of grapefruit juice and grapefruit zest pimping up some Ribena.'

What they say: Full of character, structure and body.

Rate: 3.5 (S=3; V=4; SS=3.5)

Monday 9 April 2012

André Brunel Côtes du Rhône 2009 (France)

Nose: Rich; syrupy, but not sweet. Definitely berries. There's something that hits you at first - is it flowers?

Taste: Definitely berries, but there's something else as well. Pretty dry. Maybe a bit of pepper - there's something a bit pungent to it and the pepper seems to carry through to the finish.

Finish: Pretty medium finish on it.

What we say: V - 'Does it smell like avocado?' V- 'We've had finishes that have lasted a lot longer and others that have gone away pretty much instantaneously. This one is just like, "I'm there, dooodoo doo dooooo...I'm gone.'

What they say: nuttin'!

Rate: 6.5 (V=6, S=7)